Cosmetic Procedures

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Smiling woman after Facial Plastic Surgery

In Denver and Lone Tree, Colorado

Facial expressions allow us to interact and communicate with each other. Our appearance also has an impact on how others perceive us, so many people always try to put their “best face forward.”

Some individuals would like to improve certain aspects of their faces. Others are born with facial abnormalities such as a cleft lip, a birthmark, or other birth defects and desire correction. Many of us notice the effects of aging, sun damage, or previous facial trauma on the face. Fortunately, many of these conditions can be corrected with facial plastic surgery.

Why Consider Facial Plastic Surgery?

The range of conditions that otolaryngologists (ear, nose, and throat surgeons) diagnose and treat are widely varied and can involve the whole face, nose, lips, ears, and neck. Facial plastic surgery is a component of otolaryngology that can be divided into two categories, reconstructive and cosmetic.

Reconstructive plastic surgery is performed for patients with conditions that may be present from birth, such as birthmarks on the face. cleft lip and palate, protruding ears, and a crooked smile. Other conditions that are the result of accidents, trauma, burns, or previous surgery are also corrected with this type of surgery. In addition, some reconstructive procedures are required to treat existing diseases like skin cancer.

Cosmetic surgery is performed to enhance the visual appearance of facial structures and features. Common procedures include eye lifts, rhinoplasty, chin and cheek implants, liposuction, and procedures to correct facial wrinkles. An ENT surgeon specializing in facial plastic surgery is well trained to address all of these cosmetic concerns.

Cosmetic Surgery

We focus on a natural and realistic result. Whether your considering rhinoplasty or a full facelift, when it comes to your face, trust our doctors.

Cosmetic Non-Surgical Procedures

Many years of squinting at the computer screen or sun, furrowing your brows when you are puzzled or upset, or simply laughing with friends and family can create lines in these areas. Sometimes more severe deep lines start to appear when the fat layer that lies beneath your skin starts to break down and separate. This can cause heavy folds between your nose and mouth and a hollowing appearance along your temples, cheeks, and under-eye area. This is when doing some non-surgical cosmetic procedures can be very helpful. A quick appointment over your lunch hour can help remedy these issues.


Beautiful skin starts with professional skincare products working at the cellular level to diminish fine lines, fade sun damage, increase hydration, and stimulate cellular turnover for more youthful-looking skin.

Experience immediate benefits from treatment at Denver Facial Surgeons. Contact us today at (303) 706-1616 to schedule an appointment. You may also request an appointment online.