Hearing Protection Devices
The best thing you can do to prevent hearing loss whenever exposed to loud noise is to use adequate hearing protection devices. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2011- 2012, approximately 70% of people exposed to loud noise never or seldom wear hearing protection.
How Loud is Too Loud?
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) states that anything over 85 decibels (dB) or more over an 8-hour period of time is considered excessive noise exposure.
How Do Hearing Protection Devices Help?
Hearing Protection Devices (HPDs), such as earbuds, earmuffs, and earplugs, help to reduce the sound intensity, though, they do not block out sound completely.
There are several different types of HPDs available, and they have different noise reduction ratings (NRR). The NRR is the standard rating system for all HPDs, and it is measured in decibels (dB), ranging from 0 dB to 35 dB, indicating the amount of potential protection the device provides. The higher the NRR the better the protection will be.
How Do You Choose The Right Hearing Protection Device?
In choosing the right HPD, make sure your device fits properly. If it doesn’t, it won’t protect your hearing. If you want to ensure proper fitting, we can fit-test one for you. Besides the fit, we will also ensure that it is comfortable and convenient for you to wear.
Can You Test Earplug Performance in the Workplace?
A new development from The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) – HPD Well-FITTM – can quickly and inexpensively test the performance of hearing protection. This fit testing technology is a huge advancement in efforts to save worker’s hearing. NIOSH developed the HPD Well-FitTM-testing system to address technical limitations and provide a feasible method to obtain measures of earplug performance in the workplace.
For more information on fit testing, visit NIOSH’s Science Blog–HPD Well-FitTM: The Future is Fit-Testing.
Contact Us
Contact Integrated ENT today at (303) 706-1616 to explore all the different options available–earbuds, earmuffs, and earplugs. We offer a wide variety of generic and custom hearing protection at very affordable prices. We will help you make the best choice that fits your needs and lifestyle. Schedule an appointment today to get started.