People with chronic sinus problems that do not respond to a combination of rinses and OTC medications such as antihistamines or who have structural issues with their nasal passages often benefit from sinus surgery. This article will help you determine if you should discuss surgical options with a specialist.
Everyone who has had a sinus infection knows it is unpleasant and requires a long treatment course. Over time, frequent infections cause swelling (inflammation) of sinus tissues which increases the risk for more infections. In severe cases, the bacterial or fungal microbes involved can damage the thin bones which form the walls of your sinuses, causing severe pain and damage to the delicate structure of your sinuses. This is not a problem you have to live with. At Integrated ENT, we have surgical techniques available to open air flow into your sinuses, the key to reducing or even eliminating frequent infections.
These growths from the lining of your nasal passages can block air flow into one or more of your sinuses, causing a “stuffy nose” sensation and even changes to your sense of smell or taste. Patients with large polyps suffer from frequent infections in the sinuses located behind the polyp. There are surgical techniques for removing polyps with minimal recovery times. If your doctor has said you have nasal polyps, Integrated ENT has a surgical solution for you.
The nasal septum is the bony structure behind your nose which divides the air flow entering from your nostrils. A deviated septum is pushed to one side of your nasal cavity, reducing airflow to the sinuses on that side. This can lead to chronic infections in the sinuses on the right or left side of your face. Integrated ENT will order a CAT scan of your sinuses to determine the presence and severity of a deviated septum. There are surgical procedures that straighten the septum, reducing or eliminating unilateral (one-sided) infections. This is not the same surgery as a rhinoplasty, or “nose job,” which is a cosmetic change to the shape of the nose and is not covered by insurance.
If you suffer from frequent nose bleeds which do not resolve with humidifying the air you breathe or which occur in the back (posterior) of your nasal passages, there may be a specific area within your sinuses that is the source of the bleeding. An inspection of your sinuses with a fiberoptic endoscope (a long flexible tube with a camera on the end) can pinpoint a specific area where the bleeding comes from. There are surgical options that Integrated ENT may recommend which correct frequent nose bleeds.
If you suffer from one or more of the conditions listed here, a surgical consult with the team at Integrated ENT can help you decide if you should have sinus surgery. The surgeons will discuss your issues, perform diagnostic tests, and determine with your input if surgery is the right option for you.